Servislerin Uygun Kullanımı   
Ödeme Yükümlülükleri 
Müşterinin Borcu ve Tazminat 
Anlaşma, Sonlandırma ve Eski Durumuna Geri Getirme 
Garantisini Kabul Etmeme   
Sorumluluğun Sınırlandırılması 

Müşterinin Borcu ve Tazminat

The parties agree that in no event shall Exa-Bytes Network be liable to any third party for Client's breach or alleged breach of any of the terms and conditions set forth in this Agreement. Client agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless Exa-Bytes Network from any and all expenses, losses, liabilities, damages or third party claims resulting from Client's breach or alleged breach of any Client obligations set forth hereunder.

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